Popi Act Notice

We are required by law to notify you about the information we collect. Please read below and indicate at the bottom that you have read & understood this disclosure.

This declaration contains the consents, guarantees and undertakings that you the customer, (for example a user or duly authorized representative of a company) agree to. You agree that the information below will apply to all products (and services) whereby you have entered into an agreement with us. Where the words "us" and "we" are used in this document it refers to The Wink Movement (Pty) Ltd. and all of its subsidiaries (The Wink Movement).

Definitions as referred to in the Protection of Personal Information Act
"Personal Information" includes but is not limited to information relating to: race, gender, marital status, nationality, age, physical or mental health, disability, language, education, identity number, telephone number, email, postal or street address, biometric information and financial, criminal or employment history and as more specifically defined the above Act; and "Process" means any operation or activity, whether automated or not, concerning personal information, including: collection, receipt, recording, organization, collation, storage, updating or modification, retrieval, alteration, consultation, use, dissemination by means of transmission, distribution or making available in any other form, merging, linking, as well as blocking, degradation, erasure or destruction of information. "Processing" will have a similar meaning.

We are required to capture and store your information in order to process performance evaluations, provide online training & send you email notifications from the system. Without your information we will be unable to start or continue to provide products or services to you.

It is your responsibility to make sure that Personal Information you provide to The Wink Movement is up-to-date and accurate. Where The Wink Movement becomes aware that there is information outstanding we will always try to communicate with you first using the phone number or email address provided. If we are not able to contact you with these details, we have to take other reasonable steps to obtain the correct information, by contacting your employer.

You guarantee that you are giving all information correctly where any material information, including your Personal Information, is not fully disclosed or is found to be untrue, we may decide to cancel your access to the system.

You authorize us, our representatives and our contracted third-party (including foreign) service providers as well as any applicable reseller, to process and further process your Personal Information. We will ensure that any third parties to whom your Personal Information is transferred are subject to confidentiality undertakings equivalent to those made by The Wink Movement, and shall only Process your Personal Information for purposes compatible with the purpose for which we obtained the information.

We may be required to collect Personal Information from you or other sources in order to provide products and services, assess risks and conduct research. This Personal Information will not be used for any other product proposal.

We undertake to:

Please note: 
You are entitled at any time to request access to, update or rectify, or delete your Personal Information that we process.
We may at certain times send you relevant information about our system.
You have the right to be notified when your Personal Information has been compromised.
If you provided us with an e-mail address, we will correspond with you via e-mail.

If you in the future change your mind about any of the above please notify us directly at [email protected].

The Wink Movement will capture and store your personal information using secure internet practices.